Vasculye (Electro-Coagulation) 15min./$85
30 minutes or more may be required
depending on amount and size of anomalies and if numbing is needed.
Vasculyse removes undesired anomalies of the skin such as:
Skin Tags
Ruby Points
Cherry and Spider Angiomas
Broken Capillaries (Telangiectasiias)
Cholesterol and Calcium Deposits
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Seborrheic Keratosis
DPN (Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra)
Aging Spots/Liver Spots
The anomalies are treated by cauterizing the lesion with a vasculyse devise which is known as electro-coagulation..
*Reference below for a description on each.

Skin Tag Removal
Some causes of developing skin tags:
When clusters of collagen and blood vessels become trapped inside thicker pieces of skin.
Skin creases or folds are common areas on the body for skin tags where chaffing and sweating take place, creating an ideal environment for skin tags to grow.
May be inherited making one more susceptible to skin tags.
Commonly found on both male and females, those who are obese, during pregnancy and people with diabetes.

Ruby Points & Cherry Angiomias
A cherry angioma is a mole like skin growth made up of small blood vessels, or capilleries. These are common skin growths that can develop on most areas of your body.
They are benign tumors that result from an overgrowth of capillaries. In most cases these ruby dots are inherited.
The collection of small blood vessels inside a cherry angioma give them a reddish appearance and look like cherry red papules due to an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels and have no relationship to cancer.

Spider Angiomas
A Spider Angioma is a small cluster of blood vessels found slightly beneath the skin surface, oftern contain a central red spot and reddish extensions which radiate outwards like a spider's web.
Common causes for Spider Angiomas are from injuries in the skin due to sun expousre, hormonal changes or liver disease and is more common in people with alcohol related liver disease.

Milia are small, hard bump like cysts found under the skin caused by trapped keratin (a protein in your skin that clog up the sweat ducts).
They appear as hard white bumps that lie just beneath the surface of the skin and feel like a small grain of sand to the touch.
Milia most often appears on the face, commonly around the eyelids and cheeks, although they can occur anywhere and also be caused by injury to the skin. Dead skin building up and getting trapped in the pores near the surface of the skin is another common reason why milia develops.

Calcium Deposits
Calcuim deposits (calcinosis) on the face appear as small firm white bumps on the skin. They develop when excess amounts of calcium phosphate are deposited in the skin.
This can happen for a wide variety of reasons including skin injury, connective tissue, auto immune disorder or kidney problems, or due to certain medications.

Cholesterol Deposits
Yellow deposits can form under your eyes and around your eyelids. This is a side effect of having high levels of lipids in your blood.
The medical term for these deposits is xanthelasma.
These yellow spots may not be harmful initially, but they can gradually worsen and cause pain. They may also be a sign of a more serious underlying health problem.
Anyone may get cholesterol deposits around their eyes; but this condition is most common in people with a lipid disorder called dyslipidemia. People with this disorder have too many lipids in their bloodstream such as triglycerides and certain forms of cholesterol.

Liver Spots
Liver spots are aging spots, mostly due to sun damage and are very common in adults older than 50. They are small dark areas on your skin and vary in size. They appear on the face, hands, shoulders and arms.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
This condition is due to over active sebacous glands where too much sebum can get blocked inside the gland causing it to swell and form a raised bump usually with a noticeable indentation in the middle.
This is a benign condition and are harmless.They most often appear on the forehead and cheeks.
Most commonly found in middle age adults or older.

Seborrheic Keratosis
This skin condition is a common noncancerous (benign) skin growth. Dark in colour and usually developes with age on both face and body. Can have a scaly or waxy texture.

DPN (Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra)
A benign skin condtion similar to Seborrheic keratosis but primarily seen on darker skin types. This shows up as hyperpigmented dark skin coloured lesions that develop on the face and neck. This condition mostly affects people of Africian or Asian decent.